Do you remember the first time you truly felt discriminated against? Cause I sure do.

Second grade (and I’ll never forget this).

There was a group of girls playing together with toy Dalmatians during recess one afternoon. Mind you, in my head we were all friends. I picked up a toy dog for myself and sat down in the circle, ready to bark or talk or whatever was going on. Before I could even put my toy on the ground, I was quickly reminded that I was NOT invited to this doggy date.

“Only white skin people can play”… said the Asian girl…

Bloop. Okay. I quietly excused myself. For some reason I was embarrassed. It wasn’t necessarily because she made the comment in front of the other girls. When I think back on it, I guess I was embarrassed because I assumed for some reason that I fit in. Mortified for the fact that I thought I belonged.

What world was I living in? The answer… is the same world I lived in for the next ten years. When I didn’t even know I had magic… I definitely didn’t know I AM magic.


  • There will be times where I am outcasted due to the color of my skin. This has nothing to do with my character.
  • I cannot control the opinions or actions of anyone besides myself.

If you have experienced a similar situation please feel free to comment on our Instagram page @findyourblackgirlmagic. I would love to read and engage with your stories!