My younger sister means the absolute world to me. One of the most important roles in my life is the one of a big sister. It has taught me more lessons than I can recount.
If you are a big sister – you know how I feel.
As a big sister, I tried to always have a strong face. I never wanted to seem like anything got me down in order to “protect” my sister from feeling negatively. This taught me that
- I cannot protect my sister from life! Growing up very close with my sister (sharing a room for as long as I can remember), I am often surprised to learn of all the moments that I missed. Being the “strong” sister blocked me from viewing things that were actually happening. Now as we are both older, we are able to go back in our memory and unpack things that made us into who we are today.
As a big sister, I sometimes felt that I knew best. Although my sister and I do not bicker much, I know I can get on her nerves (she will get over it). But beyond pointless fights, I was not always a good person to confide in. I spoke before I finished listening. I gave advice when all that was requested from me was an ear. This taught me that
- I have two ears and one mouth for a good reason! As a sister, all I ever want to do is support and uplift. It took me a long time to realize that there are times where the best thing for me to say is nothing at all. Just being there, just listening, just understanding can be enough. This lesson is something I have to consciously remember – but have used in all of my relationships.
My sister is my best friend. We can sit in a room together and say absolutely nothing to each other… and I am still content. She humbles me. She makes me proud with everything she does. It’s a joy being a big sister to such an amazing young woman and has propelled my growth in unexplainable ways.
I would not be me without her, that is for sure.
What lessons have your sister(s) taught you?