Comparing yourself to anybody else is like comparing apples and oranges. It can be done… but essentially you are talking about two completely different things. They’re both perfectly flawed in their own ways.

I spent so much time comparing myself to the people around me… people who were absolutely nothing like me. I felt like I could never measure up no matter what I did. This led me to be deeply insecure of myself to the point where I didn’t even realize I was insecure about certain things anymore.

Years and years of comparing myself to other people finally brought me to a point where I had to sit back and ask myself “What are you even doing?”. I mean seriously, what does comparing myself to anyone else mean? We are different? They are better than me at something or vice versa? And? Do I even want to be like them?

Eventually I realized that I was weakening myself by comparing myself to other people. I was so focused on what was going on with them that I was blind to what was going on with me! I was doing myself a huge disservice by thinking so lowly of myself.

I still fall into the trap of comparing myself to others at time. Oh look at their job – is my job good enough? Look at their success – am I successful enough? Look at what they have – do I have enough?

But I quickly remind myself that what no one else has, is me. I don’t want to be everyone else! I want to be the best version of myself and that’s independent of anyone around me.

Life got much brighter once I stopped dimming my own light. I want to encourage you to do the same. Stop comparing apples and oranges. Be authentically you! Because only you can.

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others? What do you do to remind yourself of your uniqueness? Please feel free to share your experiences on our Instagram post (@findyourblackgirlmagic)!